Manglik Dosh
In Indian astrology it is believed that if Mars is placed in any of the houses 1,4,7,8 or 12, in a Horoscope where the rising sign or the Ascendant is taken as the first house, Manglik Dosh is said to be formed in that horoscope. This Dosh is usually said to delay the marriage of the affected person and create disturbances even after marriage or in the worst cases it may cause the death of the spouse. And it is advised by some astrologers that a person having a Manglik Dosh in his or her horoscope should only marry a person who also has Manglik Dosh in his or her horoscope. According to these astrologers, the bad effects of Manglik Dosh present in a horoscope are reduced or even canceled if the person marrying the first person is also having Manglik Dosh in his or her horoscope.
As we now know the basic definition of Manglik Dosh, so let's analyze it further. And for the convenience of foreign readers I would like to mention that any person suffering from Manglik Dosh is called a Manglik. So when someone says "I'm a Manglik", it simply means that they have Manglik Dosh in their horoscope or at least they've been told so. Now let's move further.
If Manglik Dosh is formed in a way which has been described above, then it is quite evident that 50% of the people should be suffering from the bad effects of this Dosh as the primary condition for the formation of this Dosh is the placement of Mars in the above mentioned six houses of a horoscope counting from the Ascendant. And as there are only 12 houses in a horoscope, so there is a fair chance that every second person in this world should be having Manglik Dosh in his or her horoscope. And accordingly he or she should suffer from the bad effects of this Dosh which may be as bad as the death of the spouse.Doesn't that sound odd. And if it sounds odd to you, then let me tell you that it sounds odd to me also. I mean how can every second person on the earth can have a Manglik Dosh and if we move one step further, let's assume that randomly 50% of the people having Manglik Dosh in their horoscope are married to a person having Manglik Dosh in their horoscope and 50% of the people having Manglik Dosh in their horoscope are married to a person not having a Manglik Dosh in their horoscope.
After doing the calculations it can be found that out of all the matches made in the world, 25% couples are a Manglik-Manglik couple, 50% of the couples are a Manglik-NonManglik couple and the rest of the 25% couples are a NonManglik-NonManglik couple. This would mean that the marriage of every second person on the earth is delayed and disturbed even to the point where the partner may die. And we are only talking about one concept named Mangllik Dosh. And there are other very powerful concepts like Kaal Sarp Dosh which can do far more damage than Manglik Dosh if it is strong. And taking into consideration all the other possible Bad aspects and Bad Yogas formed in an average horoscope, we can reach an estimate that 75% of the people on this earth are having great difficulties in getting married, their married life is very much disturbed and in the worst case their partner may die. Isn't this figure a bit too big too be true. Well, according to me, it is. So let's further analyze the actual scope of Manglik Dosh.
The placement of Mars in the above mentioned houses is not the sole criteria for predicting a Manglik Dosh in someone's horoscope. Mars placed in any of the above mentioned house can do a number of things to the native. It can actually form a Manglik Dosh, it can remain silent and do nothing and then on the contrary it can form a Manglik Yoga. Now what is this Manglik Yoga. This is just the opposite of Manglik Dosh, and if Mars placed in the above mentioned houses in a horoscope is giving its beneficial results, then Manglik Yoga is formed instead of Manglik Dosh. The results of a Manglik Yoga are exactly the opposite of a Manglik Dosh and would include timely marriage and happiness in married life among other things. I've personally seen many cases in which a Manglik Yoga is formed in the horoscope and accordingly the persons have been blessed with all the good results of this Yoga. So it is very important to check first whether there is a Manglik Dosh, a Manglik Yoga or Mars is just placed in the above mentioned houses in a horoscope and is not concerned at all with the marriage or married life of the person. And even if the presence of a Manglik Dosh is confirmed in a horoscope, the strength and timing of impact for this Dosh is also to be considered before predicting the results of this Dosh.
A Manglik Dosh with a strength more than 50-60% found in a horoscope, can do potential damages regarding the marriage or married life of the person having this Dosh. I would like to mention here again that I have personally witnessed cases of strong Manglik Dosh and the quantum of damages done was very high including divorces, deaths of the spouses and facing of trials being accused for the murder of spouses. But such strong cases of Manglik Dosh are a rare phenomenon and only a few people have such a strong Manglik Dosh. So next time you're afraid of some amateur astrologer telling you that you have a Manglik Dosh in your horoscope, don't bother too much and have the opinion of someone who is an expert in the field. It can very well be nothing at all or the Manglik Yoga itself which is the ultimate bliss a person can have regarding his or her marriage or married life.
The bad effects of Manglik Dosh can be reduced with the help of astrological remedies which would generally include the application of Pooja, Mantras, Gemstones and Charities and these remedies are different for different individuals depending upon their horoscopes.